Enrolments for 3YO Kindergarten are processed by the City of Kingston’s Central Enrolment Scheme.
Applications open 1st May the year prior to your child's Kindergarten year, and must be submitted by 30th June to be considered in the first round of offers.
All applications should be directed to the City of Kingston for processing.
The council is responsible for your child’s Kindergarten allocation. Allocations begin in July, the year prior to attendance.
For further information or to submit your application, click here to visit the City of Kingston website.
Three Year Old Fees
Koala (6 hours per week) $200/term
Wombat Group (15 hours per week) $500/term
Families will also incur a $150 Kindergarten contribution levy which is refundable upon
The Committee of Management has the right to change fees as stated in the "Fee Policy"
Please contact the committee on president@dingleykindergartens.com.au or the Kindergarten Operations Manager on kindergartenoperationsManager@dingleykindergartens.com.au