Why are fees necessary?
How fees are set
Other charges
Child Care Benefit
Payment of fees
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) provides per capita funding as a contribution toward the costs of providing a three and four-year-old kindergarten program. Services meet the balance of costs through charging fees and fundraising activities.
DEECD provides a Kindergarten Fee Subsidy that enables children from eligible families to attend a three and four-year-old kindergarten program at a significantly reduced cost.
Dingley Kindergarten Centres Inc. provides a range of support options to parents/guardians experiencing difficulty with payment of fees.
As part of the budget development process, the Committee of Management sets fees each year for the programs of the service, taking into consideration:• the financial viability of the service• the level of government funding provided for the program, including the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy• the availability of other income sources, such as grants• the fees charged by similar services in the area• the capacity of parents/guardians to pay fees• reasonable expenditure in meeting agreed program quality and standards• requirements of the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy – Fees Policy
Other charges levied by Dingley Kindergarten Centres Inc. are included on the Statement of Fees and Charges. These include:• Kindergarten fee deposit: This payment secures a child’s place at the service and is payable on acceptance of enrolment. The deposit is retained as part payment on term fees. Families experiencing hardship should also discuss any difficulties with the service.• Excursion/service event charge: This additional charge is required to cover the cost of excursions or special events that occur throughout the year in response to emerging children’s program needs and interests. Affordability and relevance to the children’s interests and the service program will be taken into consideration before a decision is made that will require families to pay this additional charge. Events that are planned ahead are included as an expenditure item in the service’s budget and do not incur this additional charge.• Refundable levy: The participation of parents/guardians is encouraged by the service and can help to keep costs more affordable. However not all families are able to assist at the service. A refundable levy system has been introduced by the service and replaces voluntary labour with paid labour. Payment will be refunded to parents/guardians on participation in specified activities which may include working bees, maintenance and gardening etc.
Not all service costs are covered by DEECD per capita funding and the fees charged. Fundraising is undertaken to meet the balance and/or pay for additional items for the service. While participation in fundraising is voluntary, the support of every family is encouraged. Fundraising activities are also an opportunity for families and communities to come together.
Kindergarten Fee Subsidy (four-year-old programs only)The Kindergarten Fee Subsidy is provided by DEECD and enables eligible children to attend kindergarten at minimal cost. Eligibility conditions change from time-to-time – contact the service for further information.
Families who may be eligible for the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy include those who are:• Health Care Card holders• Pensioner Concession Card holders• Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card holders• Temporary Protection/Humanitarian Visas 447, 451, 785 or 786• Asylum seekers on Bridging Visas A–F• Refugee and Special Humanitarian Visa 200–217• Resolution of Status (RoS) visa, Class CD, subclass 851• Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children• triplets or quadruplets attending a funded kindergarten program in the same year.
Supporting documentation must be sighted by the service on acceptance of a place or on commencement in the program.
The Committee of Management will regularly review payment options and procedures to ensure that they are inclusive and sensitive to families’ cultural and financial situations.
Fees will be invoiced to parents/guardians directly and must be paid by the date indicated on the invoice. Each invoice will be accompanied by payment instructions. The first term’s fees must be received in full prior to the child commencing at the service. For children enrolled after the commencement of a term, a pro rata invoice will be issued and must be paid in full prior to the child’s commencement at the service. Receipts will be provided for all fee payments.
Parents/guardians experiencing difficulty in paying fees are requested to contact the Treasurer to arrange a suitable alternative payment plan. The Privacy and Confidentiality Policy of the service will be complied with at all times in relation to a family’s financial/personal circumstances.